AT&T International Texting review
If AT&T is your preferred operator for SMS and phone services, you may be tempted to buy a package deal in order to reduce your rates. Here we look into some of the different service elements in comparison with one of the market leaders in online technology, breaking down which type of service is most efficient when sending an SMS/text
AT&T International Texting Packages
Packages allow texting to over 200 countries:
- International Long Distance Messaging: For $10 per month added to your phone bill, you can get 100 texts (10 cents per text) from the US, Peurto Rico or the USVI to an international wireless number. Over usage on this monthly plan are 20 cents per text.
- Pay-Per-Use International Texting: It costs 25 cents to send a message; to receive one costs 20 cents or the text is deducted from your domestic texting package if you have one. Picture texts cost 50 cents to send or 30 cents to receive (received picture texts can also be deducted from an existing domestic package).
Packages include texting from over 130 countries:
- Global Messaging 50: Allows 50 texts for $10 per month (20 cents per text).
- Global Messaging 200: Allows for 200 texts for $30 per month (15 cents per text).
- Global Messaging 500: Allows for 500 texts for $50 per month (10 cents per text).
- Pay-per-use Messaging: Costs 50 cents to send a text and $1.30 to send a picture text - received texts cost the same or can be deducted from a domestic messaging plan. These rates also apply to countries not included in the Global Messaging plans.
Signing up for a package may make sense if you text the same international number on a very regular basis, and if you are offered a discount for bundling on your AT&T phone plan.