All About Military Calling Cards
When you have a loved one stationed overseas, one option to keep in touch with them involves buying special military calling cards. These calling cards work at military bases all over the world, and allow soldiers to call home without building up expensive international phone bills, regardless of where they are stationed.
Using Military Calling Cards
When shopping for military calling cards you will find that there are a variety of options out there. You should keep in mind a number of factors:
- One of the more popular military calling cards is AT&T's Global Prepaid card. This card is widely available at USO Centers, on-base vending machines in military bases, and online through the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) website.
- Calling cards purchased online often have more competitive rates than ones purchased over the counter. Still, pay attention to the features and rates of a specific card before making your decision.
- When choosing a military calling card, check for minute rounding. While one minute rounding is ideal, some cards have a rounding limit of three minutes or more. This means your four minute phone call could be billed as six minutes instead.
- Many calling cards have a per-use fee, which can take precious minutes off your conversations with loved ones. This can be avoided by buying several cards in smaller denominations so they can be used entirely in one call.
- Some military calling cards have drastically different rates depending on what type of phone you're calling from. When choosing a calling card, consider whether it will be used from a payphone, cell phone, or other type of phone.
Alternatives Using Modern Technology
As widely discussed throughout this calling guide, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology has optimized our options for long distance communication. No longer are we restricted to simple phone calls. Regular developments in desktop computer based services and smartphones/tablets now include a wide range of options for staying in contact from a distance. Such services as Skype, Tango, Viber and Rebtel can not only keep costs and stress levels down but some call quality is getting better all the time. Some services even provide video feeds to loved ones using the same service, so by doing a little research you can really make sure you keep some quality time with friends and family while serving for your country abroad.
Using Rebtel Instead of Military Calling Cards
If you want to keep in touch with family or friends stationed overseas, you might find that Rebtel provides you with a simpler and cheaper solution. Rates are much lower than the average military calling card with AT&T Global Prepaid or the MCI Verizon World Traveler costing up to five times as much.
The transparency of service and high call quality means that Rebtel are now one of the market leaders for international calling. Read further on why Rebtel provides an alternative to the traditional military calling card when contacting friends and family anywhere in the world.