How to use Rebtel from a landline
For many people, the use of a landline is something of the past. Lack of functionality, coupled with soaring prices in comparison to mobile/cell phone operators meant that the market was tipped upside down. Landline operators fought back though, with some great packages on offer and usage figures have seen a shift from the downward trend. The problem is that keeping in touch with loved ones abroad remains expensive. The large costs incurred from long distance cabels are transferred to the end user and as a result many people are using internet service like Rebtel. The great thing here is that it’s not just an internet service… you can benefit from exactly the same rates by using your landline telephone.
Compared to other call providers, Rebtel provides whopping savings of up to 90%. Here’s what to do to access the same great service on your home landline as you would get from the Rebtel App.
Step One
Register here, by entering your phone number and choosing a pin. Have a read through the Rebtel terms of agreement (see how there are no hidden costs like connection fees and rounding), tick the box and click the ‘Sign up now’ button.
Step Two:
Login to your account and open your Contact List. Add the telephone numbers of the people you wish to call from your landline here. Remember, you can add local, national and international numbers to your list of contacts. Just be sure to use the international dialing code if relevant (E.g +49 as a prefix in order to call to Germany).
Step Three:
For each of the international contacts added, Rebtel will instantly provide you with a local telephone number. This means that you can use this number from anywhere, including your home landline, to chat away with your favourite cousin on the other side of the world.
The ‘Local Numbers’ provided by Rebtel?
Rebtel transmit the international part of a call over the Internet, rather than using traditional telecommunication routes. To ensure premium quality lines and crystal clear reception, Rebtel generate a local line number to connect the call to the Internet.
The upshot of this is that you receive superb quality calls, at a fraction of the price of other providers. With the lowest possible rates for 200 destinations across the globe, it has never been cheaper or easier to use your landline phone to stay in touch long distance.
So even without a smartphone or tablet you can benefit from Rebtel’s great rates. Be landline smart and begin saving by loading up and registering your home number with Rebtel now. You’ve got nothing to lose, other than that large monthly phone bill!